Landscape Estimator Job Description

Landscaping Business Development Manager

Landscaping Business Development Career Description

No company can succeed without the skills of those who generate business. Sales professionals, or landscaping business development managers, have outstanding interpersonal skills, dynamic presentation abilities and a strong sense of initiative that can drive business for their companies.These specialists are often very engaged in their communities, allowing them to build and nurture relationships and create a visibly strong presence for their companies. Professionals generally find business leads through referrals from satisfied customers, property managers, real estate developers, etc. Those who are the most successful in business development are highly motivated for corporate growth, passionate about the environment and thrive in working with people.

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Landscaping Business Development Essentials

$53,000 - $114,000*

Typical Benefits*

  • Medical coverage
  • Dental
  • Paid vacation time 

Sales experience and training are required, and an associate’s degree or bachelor’s degree is preferred

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*Median salaries and benefits should be used as a guide. Actual compensation is influenced by location, type of business, employee’s experience, etc. and benefits vary among employers.

Brent Ogburn, Landscaping Business Development Manager

Brent Ogburn, Landscaping Business Development Manager

Connecting with clients and building long-term relationships is the name of the game for Brent, though part of what he enjoys most about his career is that every day is different.


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